Friday, December 27, 2013

Purring About Winter Poems, a Winter Play, and Freebies

Want to help your struggling readers build confidence and fluency at the same time? Poetry and plays are perfect. Poems are short and so much less intimidating. Try choral reading to help reluctant readers feel safe to take the risk of reading as their voices blend in with the whole group. Poetry is also great for teaching word strategies, fluency, and writing. Plays can be used in the same way. In many plays there are parts for all the boys or all the girls. If you don't have enough parts for everyone, 2 or 3 students can read the same part. Usually the parts are small and practiced over and over again which also helps build confidence and fluency. My ESL students loved performing plays and reading poems, especially ones they could act out.

I decided to write a fun winter play and winter poetry packet for Grades 1-2. The play is called, "How Will I Know When it is Winter?" There is a Narrator and 9 characters that tell the children what happens to them when it is winter. Day is very short, Weather is very cold and Snow falls from the sky. What a great way to teach the signs of Winter! Then they can practice matching the picture/word card with the sign of winter card.
If you use interactive student notebooks there is a page to add where students will look at the picture and word. Then they will flip it back and write the sign of winter. You can see the activity in the picture below.
There are also 5 original poems about winter and literacy activities to go with each poem. Here is a sample of a dialogue poem called, "I Love Winter!" which can be done by dividing the class into 2 groups.Then pairs of students can recite it as a center activity. This is a great poem to teach end punctuation as there are questions and sentences with exclamation points. There is a whole class activity using punctuation cards as well as an anchor chart. Then students will punctuate the copy of the poem that has no punctuation marks as a center activity.
If you would like to check out this Winter play and poems packet just click on the picture below. Download the Preview to see all the materials and activities in the packet and get a free activity.
I also have a fun free activity, "Hooray for Winter" Making Words and Sentences, which you can download by clicking on the picture below.
Don't forget to get my "mini Winter Edition of Making Sentences with Sentence Frames" by clicking on the picture below.
Don't forget to check out all my new Pinterest Boards. Just click HERE to follow.

Thanks for all you do to make a difference for your students. Hope you are enjoying your winter vacation!
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Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Holiday Message

To all my followers who celebrate Christmas.
Thanks for all you do to make a difference for your students.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Wonderful Winter Resources, Books, Crafts, and Free Activities

For most of you this is the beginning of your well-deserved winter vacations!! While you are taking some special time with family and friends I have put together some wonderful winter resources to help you with your winter lessons in January.

Let's start with some great books for read alouds. I'm sure everyone has this popular one in their book room or library. My students loved it and it was also one they could read. You will find a complete list by clicking on the picture below. What's your favorite winter book? I love reading several and then do a compare and contrast activity of the 2 books. I asked my students to think about the setting and characters in each book. First we would make a list of the 1st book and then the 2nd. For my ESL students I would do this as a whole class activity. After comparing and contrasting both books, I would have them write about which one they liked best.
Looking for some fun crafts to make? How about this cute snowflake hat? I am going to make this one with my granddaughter. Just click on the picture to get all the details.
You can also find quite a few by clicking on the picture below. They look like lots of fun!
If you are looking for some great lessons then you will love to check out this website. Just click on the picture to find loads of great activities and lessons.
You can also find some fun printables, poems,crafts, and activities at Apples4theteachers by clicking HERE
You can also find lots of great lessons and activities for all grade levels at Scholastic by clicking HERE

I have just updated and revised my "What Happens in Winter?" packet for K-2 and added over 45 pages to it. It has a new Shared Reading Book, Word Wall and Picture/Word cards and a new Interactive Student Notebook Vocabulary Activity that you can see below.
There are 3 different leveled Guided Reading Books and Comprehension Activities to meet the needs of all the students in your classroom. Here is a sample below.
I've also added Fluency Passages which you can use to assess your students or for more practice.
You can check out the whole packet by downloading the Preview file by clicking on the picture below. You will see sample pages of all the activities in this packet.
If you are looking for Winter Literacy Centers you may want to check out this one by clicking on the picture below.

Of course I have a fun freebie for all of you. It's a Winter Science Journal (which is part of my "What Happens in Winter?" Packet.)
Students will get to go outside each week and observe the weather and their surroundings. Then they can record their observations. This can be done as a class project or as homework so the whole family can be involved. Just click on the picture below to download your freebie. There are different recording pages depending on the needs of your students.

Don't forget to check out all my Pinterest boards. To follow click HERE.
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I hope you have a wonderful and restful holiday. You have made 2013 such a special year for me. I look forward to sharing lots of great resources, strategies, and of course freebies in 2014. Thank you for all you do to make a difference for your students.

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Freebie Fridays

Friday, December 13, 2013

New Year's Traditions Around the World Resources, Free Activity, and Interactive Student Notebook Connection

  Did you know that in Mexico people walk around the block carrying a suit case on New Year's Eve? They believe it will bring them travel and adventure in the new year. In Switzerland people drop a dollop of whipped cream on the floor for good luck. You can find some very interesting and strange New Year's traditions of lots of countries at this great website. Just click on the picture of Father times below.
You may also want to check out another good website about New Year's Traditions Around the World by clicking on the image below.
As 2013 comes to an end I will be celebrating a huge milestone in 2014. Next year I will turn 65!I'm going out with a bang! I just created my 1st Interactive Student Notebook edition of my new product: New Year's Traditions Around the World.I had just uploaded my all new and revised "New Year's Traditions Around the World" Packet and then thought about venturing into adding an ISN component. Instead I made a whole new product and am a little nervous and excited about it.  Just click on the picture below and download the preview to see all the pictures below. 
 It has a Unit planner
Introductory Activities
A Passport Book and Reading Texts of 7 Different Countries and the ISN Component

Wrapping Up the Unit Writing Activities
If you don't use an Interactive Student Notebook you might be interested in my new and revised packet. It has all of the activities found in the ISN edition except for the notebook activities. Just click on the picture below to download the preview and see sample pages of all the activities and materials.
Of course I have a freebie from both units. 
It includes the passport cover and reading and writing pages about New Year's Traditions in America. Just click on the picture below to download your freebie.

Don't forget to check out all my Pinterest Boards and follow.
Thanks for all you do to make a difference for your students. Have a very Happy New Year!

Freebie Fridays

What is one of your New Year's Resolutions?

Friday, December 6, 2013

Let it Snow! with Snow Poetry and a Freebie

For some of you winter has come early and you have already had lots of snow! Here in Tallahassee today it is 80 degrees. Although I had plenty of snow when I lived in Alaska, I wish it would feel a little more winter-like here. One of my favorite poetry units that I wrote was Snow Poetry. When my laptop crashed it was one of the units that I hadn't saved to my external hard drive. All I had was a secure PDF file. Now, as soon as I finish a product or download a file or clip art that I purchase, it goes straight to my external hard drive! At least I can make pics, the links, and something special for all of you.

Well, here it is December, 2014 and I finally rewrote my Snow Poetry Unit and added over 40 pages to the original. There are 7 original poems, 2 different level Snow Plays and more writing and literacy activities.  Here is the preview of 4 of the poems and literacy activities.
I have also added a fun writing activity to go with my poem, "Where do They Go When it Starts to Snow?" Students will decide whether they would like to go somewhere warm or cold for the winter and tell why. They will write  their opinion piece in either a Sun or Snowflake. This would make a fun Bulletin Board!
I also added another play for 2nd graders.
There is a Cinquain, Subject Poem, and Acrostic Poem included.
If you would like to read all about this unit, download the the preview file and get a free activity just click on the image below.
Of course I have a FREE poem and activity from my unit for all of my followers and viewers. I just uploaded my new one.
Just click on the picture below to download your freebie.

Don't forget to check out all my new Pinterest boards by clicking Here. Hope you will follow me.
Thanks for all you do to make a difference for your students. Stay safe in the snow.

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Freebie Fridays

How do you use poetry in your classroom?

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Super Cyber Monday Sale on Tpt! Let the Shopping Begin!

Have you heard about the super Cyber Monday and Tuesday Sale at Tpt? I can't wait to go shopping. My cart is loaded. Everything in my store will be 20% off on December 2nd and 3rd. Make sure you use the Promo Code: CYBER at checkout and save a total of 28% on your entire purchase.

Hope you'll check out some my old favorite "Don't Get Skunked Games" like the ones below:

or my favorite poetry unit:
If you are looking for December Holiday Units I hope you will check out my new  "December Holiday Celebrations and Traditions Around the World", "December Holiday Activity Packet" and an oldie but goodie  "December Holiday Edition of Don't Get Skunked" 

Hope you find some wonderful bargains on TpT. I am so close to 1,000 followers on TpT thanks to all of you!  Thanks for all you do to make a difference for your students.

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