Fluency is one of the 5 Big Ideas in Reading. Fluency is necessary for students to comprehend what they are reading. Students need to read in order to become fluent but we know that struggling readers spend less time reading. They not only struggle with fluency but also with comprehension. Themes help to build fluency as students learn targeted vocabulary that they will use in a variety of activities with multiple exposures.
I created a new unit: "At the Beach Fluency Activities" which scaffolds fluency activities from reading words, phrases, sentences, reading texts, a poem, and readers theater. Each new activity builds on the one before to insure student success. There are assessments for reading words, phrases, sentences, and texts at the K and 1st grade levels and Student Progress Graphs for Repeated Readings. Just click on the picture below to download the Preview file to see all the activities and materials in the unit.
Here is a sample of the Word Fluency Activities. I included Picture/Word Cards for ESL students and Struggling readers to help them build their vocabulary. Here is a sample of Word and Phrase Fluency Cards and Activities. There are 2 Fluency Activities for Pair Work called "Point and Say" and "Fast Match" for both the word and phrase cards.
Once students become fluent at reading the words and phrases, they will read sentences using the same vocabulary. Here is a sample of some of the Sentence Fluency Cards.
Finally, students will read texts, a poem, "Going to the Beach", and a Pair Readers Theater called, "At the Beach".
This unit is great for those teaching summer school, RTI, or End of the Year Summer themed activities. I have also included Common Core Standards, B/W copies, and some Strategies for Reading to improve fluency.
Here is a freebie from my unit: Picture/Sentence Fluency Activity. It is a pair activity where one student holds up a picture and the other student has to find the sentence that describes the picture and read the sentence. Once all the picture and sentence cards are matched the students will switch places.
Just click on the picture below to download your free fluency activity.
If you are looking for more free Beach Resources, Crafts, and Activities just click HERE
Looking for some more Great Stuff for Teachers? Follow my new Pinterest boards by clicking on the picture below. I also have a new one for parents too.
For those of you who have finished the school year, I hope you rest and relax over your summer vacation. I hope for the rest of you your vacation will begin soon. Thanks for all you do to make a difference for your students.
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