If you are looking for information and free lesson plans about Totem Poles just click on the image below. Did you know that it can take up to 9 months to carve a totem pole?
How about some Totem Pole crafts? Just click on the image below. You can find lots of other Native crafts to make by clicking HERE
Education World has some wonderful free activities, lessons, and resources about the Native American and Alaska Native culture and heritage for grades K-12. There are so many activities to choose from.You can access all of them by clicking on the image below.
I finally had a chance to revise and update my Celebrating Native American Month Thematic Unit which you can check out by clicking on the image below. It includes 3 differentiated reading texts for ESL Students and Struggling Readers as well as 2nd and 3rd grade level texts about the "First Americans" as well as reading texts about the Legend of the Dream Catcher and the beautiful art of Totem Poles. Students will create and write about their own own dream they would like to catch and design a totem pole. There are map activities, poems about famous Native Americans, and a report writing activity about a Regional Native Tribe. You can check it out by clicking on the image below. When you download the Preview file you will see sample pages of all the reading texts and many of the writing and other activities in this packet.
I have lots of new Pinterest Boards for you to follow. Just click HERE. Here are a few of my most popular ones.
Thanks for all you do to make a difference for your students. I truly appreciate all that you do each and every day.