
Friday, January 11, 2013

Martin Luther King: Free Writing Activities for Grades 1-6

Please click HERE to read this post

I got such wonderful feedback from my Writing Sentences about Winter with Sentence Frames that I have a few free one to add to all of your Martin Luther King Day activities. They are part of my new Martin Luther King Literacy Center packet for Grades 1-2 which you check out by clicking on the picture below.
You can download your free writing activity by clicking on the image at the top of the post.
How about discussing some of Martin Luther King's Quotes with your students and talk about what they mean. This is a great activity for those of you who teach the intermediate grades. Here's another great idea. See if your students can TWEET a Martin Luther King Quote. If you click on the image below you can download this activity to use in your classroom.
Just a reminder that I started a Free Mini Course called "Vocabulary Matters: Strategies that Work" I have had some wonderful feedback so don't forget to check it out.

Hope you enjoy the freebies and find something useful for your students.
Thanks for all you do to make a difference for your students.

What activities are you doing to honor Martin Luther King?


  1. I have a question regarding your "MLK Writing Sentences" where students write a sentence by sequencing the words correctly and then illustrating. I'm wondering what type of pictures I may get for the sentences about MLK leading a protest. Of course, he always aimed for peaceful protests. But would my little ones depict that? Or would I see violence in their illustrations? How has this turned out for you? I'm just needing a little reassurance before I take it to the classroom.

  2. If you click on the image at the top pf the post and download the Preview file you will get free B/W picture/word cards and one of them is "protest". Also if you go to my post
    You will see lots of great books and resources on the web that you can find a picture of a peaceful protest. I would definitely point out the word "peaceful" -good vocabulary word.I hope that helps.

  3. I always love your units and I can't wait to use these ones with my class! Thank you for the freebie, Arlene!
    Teaching With Style

  4. Love the quotes! Thank you for sharing!
