
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Going on a Blog Hunt

My friend Laura Candler over at Corkboard Connections is having a great linky to help all our readers make sure that they're aren't missing out on reading blog posts from their favorite blogs. How are you reading blog posts now that Google Reader is gone?

You can still read your favorite bloggers's posts on Goggle Friend Connect which is one option or you can read them by signing up at Bloglovin which I'm doing. It's so easy to sign up! I know I follow a lot of blogs! I bet you do,too.Why not give Bloglovin a try. You can follow me by clicking on the button below.
Now you can check out some of your favorite oldies or find some new fantastic blogs to follow by clicking on the these wonderful bloggers below. Happy hunting!


  1. Found you at the Blog Hunt, Arlene! I'm your newest follower! :)

    Mrs. Beattie's Classroom

  2. Found you at Tori's Bloglovin' Linkie and am showing you some bloglovin'.

    rubberboots and elf shoes
