
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

2 Super Giveaways!

Here's the 1st!
My friend Mary over at A Classroom Full of Smiles had a great idea for a Linky and decided to include a giveaway to get it started. It's called Saturday Sweets and you really need to check it out. Each Saturday you can visit her blog and get some great inspiring ideas and lessons from other teachers on what they are planning to teach the following week in Math, ELA, Science, and Social Studies. All grades are welcome! For the giveaway this week she has included $10.00 Kohl's Gift Card and 10 Great Gifts from 10 Wonderful Blogger Friends. I'm giving away:
Even if you don't enter the giveaway it's a wonderful blog post and great links to what other teachers are teaching this week. Just click on the image at the top of the post.

Then there is one of the BIGGEST GIVEAWAYS EVER from my friend Emma over at the Clever Classroom:  $600.00 dollars worth of prizes from 80 fantastic bloggers! 
Hope you don't miss out on this one! Just click on the image above to enter !

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Thanks for all you do to make a difference for your students. Good luck everyone!