
Monday, February 17, 2014

Come Celebrate my 65th Birthday with Free Gifts

I can't believe it's my 65th birthday. I have no idea where all those years have gone but they have been filled with lots of love and happiness along with some tears and sadness. I have traveled the U.S. and the world with my husband of 44 years and it has been an incredible journey. Now we are in our retirement home surrounded by our children, grandchildren, and wonderful friends. I have no idea where the next chapter in my life will take me but when I retired from teaching in Alaska, my leadership team gave me this poem in a beautiful frame. It was the perfect poem for me. I have always marched to the beat of my own drum and been a free spirit but always remained true to myself.
It wasn't easy starting all over in a new place every 2 or 3 years but what I became was a citizen of the world! I loved to teach and although I never taught the same grade twice it led me to what I loved the most, working in a Title I School as the ESL Resource Specialist. It was the first time I stayed in one job for 9 years until I retired. The highlight was being named as the State Teacher of the Year in 2006. I went on to work for a Korean company and write their Speaking, Reading and Writing curriculum for their on-line teaching ESL program. Finally I retired in 2010 and my husband thought it would be good hobby for me to create materials to sell on TpT. HAHA! I'm sure you are all laughing! It was a full-time hobby. Since I didn't grow up in the computer, cell phone, FB age it was a real learning curve. I'm still revising old products!

It has been 2 years since I started my blog and just love my new design by Tessa from Tales From Outside the Classroom.  The one thing that has always remained is that I have stayed true to myself. I love writing poetry and plays and reading and writing units that have materials to meet the needs of all the students in your classrooms. I also love giving away activities. It is my way of giving back to a profession that I love.

I have never done my own rafflecopter giveaway to gain followers and decided not to do one for this special birthday. Instead I will be making 2 products free today, February 17th only, for you to download. I hope you will leave feedback while they are free. As I have revised products I have had such wonderful feedback and I truly appreciate it.

The first freebie is one that I revised several months ago for K-1. Did you know that March 13th is National Popcorn Lovers Day? What a perfect day to do my unit and make popcorn. Just click on the picture below. Hope you enjoy.
For the 2nd and 3rd grade teachers I have just uploaded this all new and revised packet: Celebrating Ireland and St. Patrick's Day. Did you know that March is Irish-American Heritage Month?  There are lots of reading and writing activities about the Symbols of Ireland and the Symbols and Traditions of St. Patrick's Day. Just click on the picture below.  Hope you enjoy.
If you really like my products then I hope you will follow my store. Any new followers to my blog or Facebook are always welcome.

Thanks so much for celebrating this special day with me. If I can leave you with some words of wisdom then I would tell you to make the most of each and every day. I don't blog as often or spend nights and weekends on FB these days. That's my time for my family and friends and to enjoy my life! Life is about making wonderful memories with your family and the people you love. I look forward to making a lot more memories in the future.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Have a very happy birthday, and thank you very much for the activities you have shared. Hope you have a wonderful day with your family.

  2. Happy birthday! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Happy Birthday! Shared and hoping you have a fantastic day! :)

  4. Happy Birthday!!! Thank you for the popcorn pack. It is great!

  5. Happy Birthday!!! Thank you for your generosity! :)

  6. Thank you! I'm glad you didn't actually retire. We all benefit from your creativity. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day.

  7. Happy Birthday! Many thanks for your generosity.

  8. Happy, happy birthday and thanks for all you share!

  9. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day! Thank you for the freebies!

  10. Happy Birthday!! Thank you for sharing!!!

  11. Happy Birthday! Thank you for sharing your blessings! Have a wonderful day!

  12. Thank you! Happy Birthday! Hauoli la hanau!

  13. Thank you! Hauoli la Hanau! Happy Birthday!

  14. Happy Birthday!! I totally agree with you...Go out and make memories with your family. That is what is important! Many blessings to you, and thanks so much for sharing!

  15. Happy birthday Arlene! I have always loved your products and I love knowing that YEARS of experience go into creating them! I taught your St. Patrick's unit last year. I can't wait to teach the newly updated one this year! Thank you so much!

  16. Happy Birthday Mama Arlene :) You have such a giving heart and your years of dedication to teaching truly show in your products. Thanks so much for your generous gift (on your birthday to boot.) Hope you have a fantastic day and enjoy your birthday with those you love :)

  17. Happy Birthday and it is my birthday today also!!

  18. Thank you so much for sharing and hope you have a wonderful birthday.

  19. Have a wonderful and blessed birthday and coming year. Thank you for the freebie!

  20. Wishing you a very special birthday, Arlene! Thank you for your generosity!

    Teacher's Toolkit

  21. Hope you had a wonderful birthday celebration! Thank you so much for the free activities!! Many best wishes for you in the year ahead!

  22. Couldn't download a free version. Kept being directed to store. Happy birthday!

  23. I could not download the free product either. Happy Birthday!!! What a generous person you are to give to others!!!
