
Friday, February 26, 2016

Celebrating Women's History Month with Free Resources and Activities

In the U.S. March has been designated by Congress as "National Women in History Month." It also coincides with International Women's Day which is celebrated on March 8th in countries around the world. Although women have contributed much to our country's history most schools didn't start focusing on the achievements and contributions of women pioneers until recently. I have put together some wonderful free resources and activities that you can access for ideas and lessons to use in your own classroom during March.

If you are looking for some wonderful books and biographies about women to use during March you will want to check out the ones below. Just click on the image to read summaries of each book.
I found some great free resources at Scholastic which you can check out by clicking on the image below. You will find lots of information about Women's History Month as well as Books, Interactive Histories of Women Pioneers, Biographies, and Classroom Activities and Projects. All grade levels are included.
You may also want to check out Time for Kids which you can do by clicking on the image below. I was amazed at all the free resources I found on their website.
At NEA you will find lessons and activities for grades K-12 which you can access by clicking on the image below.
You can also check out the many lesson plans at Education world by clicking on the image below.
For Grades 3-12 you might be interested in checking out ReadWriteThink.

Finally at Edutopia you will find 6 Lesson Plan Resources which you can access by clicking on the image below.
Believe it or not but I just turned 67 years old and thinking about my future in the blogging and creating new products world. This is actually my first post in more than a month as I have been spending more time in the "real" world and not very much in the "cyber" world. I did however manage to create and upload a new unit just for Women's History Month that you can check out by clicking on the image below. You will find poems, biographies, and fact cards about 11 incredible women in history. Just download the preview file to see sample pages of all the differentiated reading texts, poems, fact cards, and writing activities that are included in the unit.

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Thanks for all you do to make a difference for your students.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip about finding free resources on Scholastic!

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