If you are looking for books about Johnny Appleseed you can click on the this image below. You will find summaries of all the books.
How about some free reading, writing, and other fun activities? Just click on the image below. There are a lot of websites at Kids Konnect for other free resources as well.
I also found some fun apple facts and other activities at the site below. Just click on the image to access these resources.
You will find lots of fun things to do with apples at Scholastic such as tasting, measuring, crafts, and more. Just click on the image below.
How about some fun Apple craft ideas? You can always find some fun ones at DLTK. Just click on this Stained Glass Apple Craft below.
You can find lots of other free Apple activities at DLTK by clicking HERE
I have just created and uploaded my new "All About Apples" Unit for grades 2-3. It has 3 Reading texts including "All About Apples", a Biography of "John Chapman" and "Growing Apples" all differentiated at the 2nd and 3rd grade levels. Here is a sample of the 3 Reading Texts and Activities:
There is an Apple Life Cycle Picture/Fact Match and Make and Take Book Activity as well as Poetry Writing and Writing Prompts. If you would like to check out my new unit just click on the image below. Be sure to download the Preview file to see sample pages of all the reading activities and many other materials and activities in this packet.
I have lots of new Pinterest boards for you to check out and follow. Just click HERE.
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