Here is a sample of a story sequence.
In an article by Dr. Katherine McKnight she states, " Graphic organizers are teaching and learning tools; when they are integrated into classroom experiences, students are better able to understand new material. Creating a strong visual picture, graphic organizers support students by enabling them to literally see connections and relationships between facts, information, and terms." Click on the video to listen to Dr. McKnight. You can read more from Dr. McKnight by clicking HERE
For young or beginning writers I liked to use retelling the story with different types of graphic organizers such as the one below: Beginning-Middle -End. Students draw a picture and write a sentence about what happened at the Beginning, Middle and End, of the story.
For students learning to sequence a story I made the graphic organizer below. I put transition words at the left so that students will eventually be able to use this organizer to help them write a paragraph or narrative which is an ELA Common Core Writing Standard.
These are just 3 of the Writing graphic organizers I have put together in my revised Free Writing Graphic Organizers packet. There are 3 differentiated Sequence Graphic Organizers to meet the needs of all the students in your classroom.
You can download this freebie by clicking on the picture below. I hope these will help your students improve their writing throughout the school year.
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Thanks for all you do to make a difference for your students. Hope you will find these useful. I would truly appreciate your feedback.
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What kinds of writing graphic organizers do you use in your classroom?
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