
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Purring About October Poems and Freebies

It's hard to believe it's already October. Here in northern Florida it still feels like summer but hopefully cool weather will be on its way soon. Last year when my computer crashed I lost my October Poetry Unit and I really wanted to revise it. So I decided to remake it just in time to get it uploaded today. There are 8 Original Poems about all the October happenings like Columbus Day, Fire Prevention Week, Pumpkins, Scarecrows, Popcorn (It's National Popcorn Popping Month), Football, Baseball, and more. Here's a sample of all the poems.
There's a fun "My Special Pumpkin" Design and Write Activity.
Each poem has a writing or literacy activity like the 2 you see below. Popcorn Punctuation and Contraction Match and Sentence Writing.
You can see all the materials and activities by downloading the Preview file and also get a free Acrostic Poem Writing Activity. Just click on the image below.
There are 2 more freebies about Pumpkins and Popcorn which you can access by clicking on either image below.
I hope you will follow me on Pinterest. Just click HERE. There are lots of new ones.
Thanks for all you do to make a difference for your students. Hope October is beautiful where you are.

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