Thursday, March 7, 2013

Where did all the Pictures Go? Lessons learned

Yesterday I lost all the photos from my blog!!!!! They are unfortunately gone forever and I am starting to add them back to my posts and have gotten as far as February 16th. I'm am definitely technology and blogger challenged and when I took my smart phone into the sprint store yesterday I got really bad advice. I wanted to get rid of all the photos on my phone so the customer service representative told me how to delete them. She asked if I had a Goggle account which I do and that I should go into Google + then  go to Photos and delete the Albums. I'm sure you are all laughing because you know about picasa and that is where all my pictures are stored which I now just deleted. So that is why you will see the image above if you go back to older posts for awhile. Good new is that if the original picture went to a link- you can still click on the image (like the one at the top) and it will take you to the correct link so you can still get all the resources and freebies, links but there won't be a picture until I can edit all the posts and add them back.

Lessons learned: Don't delete your photos albums from Google+ 

So sorry about this and hope you will bare with me while I'm editing all my blog posts. I need to find a four-leaf clover. Hope you are having a lucky day!!!!!

Thanks for all you do to make a difference for your students.


  1. Oh no! I would be going crazy!! Thanks for the advice though- almost all of my photos come from my Google+ that I post on my blog. Good luck!
    JD's Rockin' Readers

    1. Thanks Jennie. I'm trying to not go crazy and take one day at a time. I have so much to be thankful for and my followers like you will understand.

  2. Oh, Arlene! I am so sorry that happened to you. I can't imagine how that must have felt and all the work you are having to go through to get them posted again. Good luck to you! :)
    Conversations in Literacy

    1. Thanks Lori. I cried a little yesterday and then realized how much I have to be thankful for. It will be ok if I do a little each day. I'm thankful for followers like you.

  3. I had the exact same thing happen last fall!! So frustrating! Your not alone ;-). Bobbie

  4. Thanks Bobbie. I really needed to hear that. Hope it didn't take you that long to add the pics back in.

  5. Hate that this happens but on a lighter note It will all fall back into day at a time "mom" ;)
    First Grade and Fabulous
