If you are looking for some great craft ideas for your students to make, I found a few great sites. How about this cute Patriotic Hat George or Washington Cotton Ball Paper Craft ? Just click on each picture to find lots of craft ideas and directions.
If you are looking for a list of good books for Read Alouds, just click on the picture below.
For lots of wonderful free resources and activities, for all grade levels, you need to check out Scholastic. Just click on the picture below.
Apples4theteacher has lots of free resources including printables, worksheets, and poems. Just click on the image below.
There are more good activities at Education World you can check out by clicking on the image below.
There are more than 25 great free activities at Family Education that you can check out by clicking on the image below.
Finally I found lots of free activities at The Teachers Corner that you can access by clicking on the image below.
I finally revised and updated my Presidents' Day Packet for Grades 2-3. You will find a Word Wall, Picture/Word Cards, 3 differentiated Reading Texts about both George Washington and Abe Lincoln.
There is a Presidents' Day Fact Sort or a Picture Sort for your ESL or Struggling readers. Students will find Character Traits about each presidents and find proof in their reading texts, write Informative and Opinion Pieces using any of the 6 writing prompts, and one Compare and Contrast Activity.
Just click on the picture below to download the Preview file to see sample pages of all the reading and writing activities in this packet.
Finally a freebie for my wonderful followers and viewers. If you click on the picture below you can download my Free Presidents Day Noun Sort. Students will sort words related to Presidents' Day into 3 categories:
Proper Nouns, Plural Nouns, and Common Nouns.
Hope you will leave feedback and enjoy using it in your classrooms.
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Thanks for all you do to make a difference for your students. Have a great week!

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